Just played with it for a couple of hours today, between other things.
First… while retrieving my rake to do some yard work, I bumped a box of hardware and it went everywhere. After a few choice words, I picked it all back up, piece by piece. At the bottom of the pile, was this…

This is the unobtainable clip that locks the clutch line on the bottom of the master cylinder. I’ve been looking for it for over a month, through about 10 boxes of mixed hardware, and haven’t been able to find it. Karma, my groovy babies. Recommendation: if you ever take this thing off, stick it back in the master cylinder slot for safekeeping.
Next, I decided, it was time for some really expensive vinyl. Paint has cured over 3 weeks at the recommendation of my painter.

Really completes the GPness.
And a proper paint code sticker. Arrived today from Germany, via eMINIparts.

Painted and installed the cabrio braces that came with the new shell.

A few of you very observant folks may have noticed in some recent photos… the paint on my cage failed. I had noticed it flaking a bit. When I put the painters tape on it, and removed it, it lifted. I blame the self-etching primer, because it lifted all the way down to the steel. Bummer, but I’d rather find out now, than later.
Sooooo…. I’ve been researching and testing various things to decide on the best path to remediate that. Finally decided to use POR-15 Silver, plus POR-15 Silver Top Coat to make it UV tolerant. Wish I had done that originally, the color turns out to be really close to the Pure Silver. Oh, well. Stripping the existing paint and masking everything off will suck. But the new paint will be MUCH better when done and cured. After checking colors on pints of the POR stuff, I ordered quarts today, to ensure I have plenty. Will probably work on that next week.